I want to Run

I want to Run
Run away to obscurity
To a place where they dont know me
Where there are no presumptions and no baggage
A place that offers to more than just a house and a place to sleep
To a life where we stop playing the chase the fame game and stop living the dream

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Just came across CNN's India Means Business week website, www.cnn.com/india. it has some very interesting and amazing stories on India and its business culture. This is a part of CNN's special programming on India's business and economy starting from Nov 24. Apparently, we can also put in our comments or post videos on its website - www.cnn.com/ireport/
CNN has also come up with a B-School contest on www.knowcnn.com asking students to write their views on why India means business to them in 500 words or less. Do log onto the website. It’s definitely worth a try!

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